My Brother's Keeper

My Brother's Keeper (Book 1) by S. S. Bazinet

DESCRIPTION: In this fast paced thriller, family ties and loyalty are put to the test, especially for sixteen-year-old Theodore. The WKA, a powerful organization, abducted him as a baby. He grew up bearing the scars of the horrifying experience. When his real family finally locates him, they aren't what he expected. Finding out that he's a werewolf, a gifted and extraordinary being, seems impossible. He doesn't have time to ponder his new identity. The pack is being hunted to extinction. Theodore must flee with his new family before the WKA and other opposing factions deliver a final, lethal blow. However, none of them are prepared for the possibility of the WKA's most deadly weapon, Theodore himself.

Category: Fiction; Paranormal / Thriller
Format: Paperback and Electronic Book
ISBN-13: 978-1937279219 (print version)
ISBN: 978-1-937279-20-2 (ePub version)
Paperback:  Amazon  and  Barnes and Noble
EBook: Amazon